James Powell

  • I created my website a few weeks back, just with a taste of my work, I figure if prospective employers/ clients like what they see, they can ask for more.

    First attempt at this, any criticism would be helpful. Let me know what you think.


  • I primarily use my website for my portfolio.

    It was done several years ago. Now with blogging supposedly so important in marketing, I’m wondering if I need to re-do my site so that it can be interactive. Any opinions?

  • Nur Rahmaan Colorado posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years, 4 months ago

    Hey..my name’s rahmaan
    I want to learn some more to be adept at applying skethcup. where i can download the tutorial in PDF files
    thx a lot..

  • The “felt” fabric. Blanc’s installations has two layers of fabric that he drips his water/fertilizer solution through. This is a non-soil installation. The plants root into the fabric and fed by the solution.

  • Joy, have your Chapter Trustee or President check in with Liz at ASLA national and she can certainly help find appropriate speakers for you. Also, the ASLA Sustainable Design & Development PPN can help guide you as well. We have many talented speakers that can address many different aspects of this topic.

  • Bob Cleaver posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years, 6 months ago

    Thank you again, Daniel for the great seminar on sketchup and vectorworks. I highly recommend Daniel Tal as a resource-
    My thanks goes to the APLD and Robin and Cynde for their efforts with getting Daniel to SF. When is the next seminar-

  • The NY Upstate Chapter of the ASLA is teaming with the NY State AIA for the first time ever to put a JOINT conference together! Sustainability is a particular topic that is HOT on both arenas. Please feel free to let me know if there are people interested in presenting at the conference regarding the SSI to LEED roll out, or to a particularly…[Read more]

  • Feel free to use the group’s forum to post questions and discussion topics. Just click the “+ Start Discussion” link.


  • Charles,
    Perhaps they are hiring knowledgable Landscape Architects? Clearly they need help.

  • My civil engineer handed me a brochure on the Filterra Bioretention System which appears to be a vault, filled with gravel, sand and a little peat moss that takes in and filters storm water. The vault is topped with a tree grate where you plant a plant from the recommended list provided by Filterra. Has anyone used this system? They recommend that…[Read more]

  • Samantha posted an update in the group Group logo of Cal Poly PomonaCal Poly Pomona 14 years, 6 months ago

    I know many of you are concerned with the cost of Labash….well let me reassure you about what you are getting for the money!!!

    2 dinners fully catered
    2 lunches
    Open bar for 3 nights…come on guys you can’t beat this
    Tours (fees included in reg price)
    Transportation to all of our events and tours
    Amazing Lectures by: Mark Rios, Walter Hood,…[Read more]

  • I agree with Heather about building a track record of using the SSI. It is through application in the real world that tools like the SSI show their strengths and value.

  • I am anxious to see the outcome of the pilot projects. I think the real world application and testing of Sites is of the upmost importance and we will learn a great deal from this process.

    In order to continue building natural capital through the design construction and maintenance of regenerative systems, we need to see the application of…[Read more]

  • Gavin Walsh posted an update in the group Group logo of Veg.itectureVeg.itecture 14 years, 6 months ago

    Hey Charles.. what do you mean by nonwoven material for a base? Are you referring to the waterproof backing or the felt?

  • Hi Heather! You and I have had many past conversations when you were in the trenches with SSI. So what are your current thoughts from your new perspective relative to what needs to happen to keep the SSI momentum going? Is practical application the key….or are there other issues that are just as critical?

    You’ve been a great resource…..hope…[Read more]

  • Hey Folks! Just a quick note to say hello and introduce myself. After completing the 2009 report, I resigned as project manager of the Sustainable Sites Initiative to pursue other opportunities and spend more time with my 7 month old son. I am excited to hear your thoughts and concentrate more strongly on the practical application of the…[Read more]

  • faya sweet posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years, 6 months ago

    Hello, I’m new here and I want to learn all about the sketch up, I wish to report and utilized, greetings and respects to you

  • Andrew Spiering posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years, 7 months ago

    Just a general recommendation… it is best to ask your questions in the group forum rather than in the comment box.

  • John Pacyga posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years, 7 months ago

    If you haven’t read Daniel’s book, it is THE place to learn. Other sources will help you learn the basics of SketchUp, but this book demonstrates the techniques and workflow that LA’s can use. Thanks for writing it Daniel!

  • Phillip J Hutchinson posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years, 7 months ago

    Great idea starting this group!
    I’ve read Daniel Tal’s book, and it is very helpful in breaking down the process of creating efficient 3D models. This group should be a good place to share ideas and learn new tips.

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