Jay Everett posted an update in the group
BUSINESS HELPS 16 years, 6 months ago
I think Errors and Omissions Insurance is usually a policy that the firm keeps on itself, you may change Insurance companies from time to time but the insurance is usually constant. I don’t believe it is available on a job by job basis.
helpful link:
http://www.nfib.com/object/3789933.htmlThis is the key quote which may speak to your earlier question:
“Most attorneys would agree that one of the best ways to limit the amount of claims–and your liability in general–is to design a contract with your client that expressly defines each of your responsibilities. Consult with your attorney and insurance agent in this regard.”In regard to contracts you should probably also consider a lump sum versus hourly contract. In general if you are very efficient with a certain task a lump sum fee will be to your advantage. If you are taking on a new challenge then you may want to see if your client is willing to consider an hourly contract.