jeffreyrreiser posted an update in the group
Digital assets and resources 15 years, 10 months ago
Has anyone looked at Viz Terra?
jeffreyrreiser replied to the topic 2d/ 3d in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 16 years ago
Thanks for the reply.
Great advice.
The file format the Vizterra uses is it own. It can import anything, but it “smashes” it into an image. All it can export is it sown format and any image format.
It is a very flexible program, and is really professional. It simply is kingd of out there by itself.
Do you use a workstation for…[Read more]
jeffreyrreiser replied to the topic 2d/ 3d in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 16 years ago
Have you dabbled in any other CAD program, like Turbocad or Vectorworks?
The Autocad sticker price is steep!
jeffreyrreiser replied to the topic 2d/ 3d in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 16 years ago
The link for the Landscape Program the is like the pool program is here.
jeffreyrreiser replied to the topic 2d/ 3d in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 16 years ago
Thank you for the reply.
Really good work by the way.
I am still torn however on my decision. I agree that a 2d cad program with sketcup for the 3d should be fine. My issue is my largest client using Pool Studio and so I need to decide if I want to go with my own solution or if I should use Structure Studio’s (they make Pool Studio)new…[Read more]