
  • Jennifer de Graaf posted an update in the group Group logo of Employment StorytellingEmployment Storytelling 15 years, 9 months ago

    I remembered another company policy I heard about. There is a company that has a pre-review meeting about 3 months before the employee’s annual review. Someone who is a superior (but not everyone involved in the formal review process) discusses the employee’s strengths and weaknesses with him/her and offers suggestions for improvement. Three months later, at the official annual review, that employee has had the past three months to demonstrate whatever it was that they needed to learn and they get the benefit of that in their earnings increase. Guess what? employees get the chance to know what is wrong before being financially punished! This particular incentive is good for morale, good for productivity, and good for better trained employees to me!

    To any employer that says they can’t be bothered to invest 30-60 minutes in each employee in this fashion is sending the message that their employees aren’t valuable. That is not an appropriate message to send the people who work for you.

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