
  • Richard Mariani posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 16 years ago

    Hey Brandon….thanks for the invite. I use Vectorworks to create landscape designs… you know where can I find more information on realistic coloring techniques to use on my Vectorworks drawings so it looks like I used real colored pencils. Are there any other ways to make the drawings look high end? Peace!

  • Leah posted an update in the group Group logo of BUSINESS HELPSBUSINESS HELPS 16 years ago

    Thank you, Jay, for the info… I am looking into the cost of E & O insurance as I get into more commercial and large scale projects.

  • Winston White posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 16 years ago

    Hi everyone, i’m the new kid on the block from SA.

  • Leo Gonzales posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 16 years ago

    Wow, 97 members-strong!

  • Jeff,

    How do you set up your perspective vantage point? What are the steps involved in setting up and roughing out your perspective renderings?

  • Matthew E Wilson posted an update in the group Group logo of HOW TO MAKE THAT!HOW TO MAKE THAT! 16 years ago

    I want to know how to reach the ultra affluent residential clients in Shanghai, Beijing, and Dubai Any advice?

    How do I recruit ridiculously creative landscape graphic artists for perspective drawings and collateral presentation documents?

    How do I write secure contracts and payments when working over seas to assure payment? Is this a take a…[Read more]

  • Jeff Simutis posted an update in the group Group logo of HOW TO MAKE THAT!HOW TO MAKE THAT! 16 years ago

    Brandon – Give me some topices to cover and I’d be glad to help in any way.

  • Andrew Spiering posted an update in the group Group logo of BUSINESS HELPSBUSINESS HELPS 16 years ago

    Hey Mack,
    Great questions! Feel free to add them to the group forum. Just click the little green plus sign…

  • Jay Everett posted an update in the group Group logo of BUSINESS HELPSBUSINESS HELPS 16 years ago

    I think Errors and Omissions Insurance is usually a policy that the firm keeps on itself, you may change Insurance companies from time to time but the insurance is usually constant. I don’t believe it is available on a job by job basis.
    helpful link:

    This is the key quote which may speak to your…[Read more]

  • Dean "Mack" McKenzie posted an update in the group Group logo of BUSINESS HELPSBUSINESS HELPS 16 years ago

    One more question….E&O is this something needed forever? If I do a job today do I have to carry it till I die or is there a statute of limitations?
    Can it be obtained on a month to month or by job basis?

  • Dean "Mack" McKenzie posted an update in the group Group logo of BUSINESS HELPSBUSINESS HELPS 16 years ago

    I wanted to add a comment/question.
    I have seen serveral diffrent ways to approch contracts and proposals. One way is keep it very simple, the other it to complicate it to the point of needed a harvard law degree to understand the contract.
    The questing I have is where is the middle ground? I don’t want to be too simple, miss something and then be…[Read more]

  • Thomas W. Schaller posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 16 years ago

    hi brent – sketches i will do directly onto watercolor paper. but more complex drawings can be done on vellum or trace, scanned and then printed onto even very heavy wc paper using the (awesome!)epson 3800 printer – amazing – looks just like an original pencil drawing…

  • Dean Hill, ASLA posted an update in the group Group logo of BUSINESS HELPSBUSINESS HELPS 16 years ago

    Thanks for creating this group. For anyone that will be attending the ASLA Annual Meeting in Philly, I will be moderating two roundtable discussions regarding topics revelant to this group.
    The first roundtable is Best Business Practices and Client relations in the Residential Market. It is scheduled for Monday, October 6 at 9:45 a.m.…[Read more]

  • Haris Piplas posted an update in the group Group logo of BUSINESS HELPSBUSINESS HELPS 16 years ago

    Hi Business Group people,
    looking forward to your comments, especially from more experienced colleagues. I graduated 2 months ago, business is still waiting for me.

    Greetings from Sarajevo

  • Andrew Spiering posted an update in the group Group logo of BUSINESS HELPSBUSINESS HELPS 16 years ago

    Great idea for a group, Brandon!

  • Brent Farrar posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 16 years ago

    if you are doing watercolors by hand, what is the best way to get the architectural image onto a watercolor type paper?

  • Rico Flor posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 16 years ago

    Some answers to a some questions two pages back: I count L. Azeo Torre and William Kirby Lockard….hehe, and Reimon buyco….as inspirations. My weapon of choice for the draw? A Pilot Rollerball for fine lines, any felt tip pen (Pilot or Pentel) for medium weight lines, and any thick marker (Sharpie, inevitably)…all black. On tracing, or plain…[Read more]

  • Maybe I shouldn’t greatest designer cause it is very subjective….How about who is your favorite designer……I would have to Jeffery Gordon Smith is a pretty great designer….He is a member of our group…You should check out his work…..

  • Very nice! I thought I was the greatest designer on the planet…..hehehehehe…j/k….

    I will say…..Burle Marx maybe…..

  • Who is the greatest designer of all time besides the obvious answer of Olmsted….?

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