Jessica Suzanne Roundy

  • Charles,
    Perhaps they are hiring knowledgable Landscape Architects? Clearly they need help.

  • My civil engineer handed me a brochure on the Filterra Bioretention System which appears to be a vault, filled with gravel, sand and a little peat moss that takes in and filters storm water. The vault is topped with a tree grate where you plant a plant from the recommended list provided by Filterra. Has anyone used this system? They recommend that…[Read more]

  • I agree with Heather about building a track record of using the SSI. It is through application in the real world that tools like the SSI show their strengths and value.

  • I am anxious to see the outcome of the pilot projects. I think the real world application and testing of Sites is of the upmost importance and we will learn a great deal from this process.

    In order to continue building natural capital through the design construction and maintenance of regenerative systems, we need to see the application of…[Read more]

  • Hi Heather! You and I have had many past conversations when you were in the trenches with SSI. So what are your current thoughts from your new perspective relative to what needs to happen to keep the SSI momentum going? Is practical application the key….or are there other issues that are just as critical?

    You’ve been a great resource…..hope…[Read more]

  • Hey Folks! Just a quick note to say hello and introduce myself. After completing the 2009 report, I resigned as project manager of the Sustainable Sites Initiative to pursue other opportunities and spend more time with my 7 month old son. I am excited to hear your thoughts and concentrate more strongly on the practical application of the…[Read more]

  • Hi Lisa, I studied at UW in the LA program there.

    I think the stonework both in how it was used/located in space and how it was finished stood out to me as being particularly of a PNW style.

  • Lisa Town posted an update in the group Group logo of Pacific NorthwestPacific Northwest 14 years, 10 months ago

    Speaking of iconic Northwest landscape designs, the great Lawrence Halprin died on Sunday, October 25th at the age of 93.

  • Lisa Town posted an update in the group Group logo of Pacific NorthwestPacific Northwest 14 years, 10 months ago

    I see that you’re from New York. It’d be interesting to hear your opinion on what you think defines a PNW design. You mention Haag and Murase but what elements stand out to you? Are there any particular spaces that spoke to you?

  • Hey all,

    I was recently in the Seattle/Bremerton area and notice with some glee, some disdain the recent parks and their design. While I’m thrilled to see more pocket parks and interesting streetscapes in the area, I have to say, the influence of certain PNW designers have positively prevailed. I don’t think these parks were by Murase or Haag,…[Read more]

  • Did anyone go to Chicago and see any SSI presentations? Anything good?

  • Yes, the meeting went great! Stacy summed it up pretty good. It was fantastic to have Dominique come in and talk with us about her experiences using SSI on a project. From our discussions, we know there are a lot of kinks in SSI (as one would expect) but my feeling from her was that the document works well in establishing that necessary baseline…[Read more]

  • I thought it was great – especially Dominique’s experience with SSI for Lenexa City Center project. Several of the pre-requisites were un-achievable on that one. Those points were very worthy, highlighted the critical importance of proper site selction and deemed certainly worth keeping central in the SSI focus, but totally screwd the pooch (so to…[Read more]

  • Matt- How did the meeting go?

  • Hey folks in the KC area!
    Just a reminder to those on Land8lounge that we’ll be having our monthly meeting this thursday (27th). If you haven’t received details, let me know!

  • Great idea for a group!

  • I’m glad to see someone else interested in SSI! I’m working on a children’s garden project for the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. We’re designing the project to the preliminary draft SSI credits in hopes to create a sustainable landscape project, test the credits and criteria and eventually hopefully become a pilot project.

  • NZ posted an update in the group Group logo of Pacific NorthwestPacific Northwest 15 years, 7 months ago

    Anyone studying at Washington State? Particulary their MSLA? I would love to correspond with some questions.

  • I put an album on my folio called “Parks & Restoration . Anderson Property”. This is the project I worked on which integrates restoration and design (part of the paper I mentioned in the last email). A topic which could be argued about. You also might want to go to UW campus and see the Fisheries building and adjacent parking lot and the Shell…[Read more]

  • Hi Karen, I wrote a paper on your topic, “The Restoration of a Harvested Thuja plicata/Tsuga heterophylla Forest Ecosystem to Recreate Mature Second Growth with Old-Growth Characteristics and Aesthetic Qualities” I believe you can use native plants in such a way that can achieve a “stunning landscape”. As those who have already stated in this…[Read more]

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