Jessie He Hong

  • If you look through these LARE blogs, there have been suggestions…And my office had some old stuff laying around. Also some people buy the PPI exams and then share the cost with others, or if you take the classes you can get info. There were LARE classes at the national convention that I took last year in Chicago, $50 each, and that gave me…[Read more]

  • I just finished all the LARE exams, and since I am in California I also took and passed the CA exam. I took C and E together and A, B, D together. If you don’t mind studying and are detail oriented it is totally doable. My strategy was to take a lot of practice tests. As many as I could get my hands on. There is a certain way they test, a ki…[Read more]

  • Steven Chavez posted an update in the group Group logo of L.A.R.E. - ANYTHING GOESL.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 14 years ago

    I think taking A and B could work very well. But section D has become much more difficult recently — a quite low 51% passing rate on the last exam. Its also 3 hours long, and the material is very very broad.

  • ann gilkey posted an update in the group Group logo of L.A.R.E. - ANYTHING GOESL.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 14 years ago

    Maureen, You’re comment made me smile.  I hope no one is doing this licensure thing for exclusivity and prestige.  One person’s “exclusive and prestigious” is another person’s struggling profession. I would never go through all of this for exclusivity or prestige. Are you aware that most people do not know or care what an LA is?  I was kidding wh…[Read more]

  • It’s great to have a wall of all the books listed as study material. For section A, B, & D the list use to be about 30 books. Most people don’t have the time to read or the expenditures for such a library! They have recently reduced the list to about 4 or 5.Some have very little to do with studying for the exam. Could it be that some academic is…[Read more]

  • Who paid Maureen to say that?

  • ann gilkey posted an update in the group Group logo of L.A.R.E. - ANYTHING GOESL.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 14 years ago

    Each time I take it, I think, “I just need to go home and focus more on ( fill in the blank)”.  Then I come back, and little I focused on is on there and something I never saw before in all my life is on there.  That’s pretty bad when you own over 50-80 vignettes, a shelf of books,  numerous electronic feeds and have practiced them every day fo…[Read more]

  • Thoughts on Tuesday’s latest Section E monster…?

  • Jen Terry posted an update in the group Group logo of LABASH 2011LABASH 2011 14 years ago

    kicking myself for not makin’ Vegas…I will not miss this one!

  • Jessie He Hong posted an update in the group Group logo of LABASH 2011LABASH 2011 14 years ago

    thx Nick, i got it! 🙂

  • Nick Mitchell posted an update in the group Group logo of LABASH 2011LABASH 2011 14 years ago

    When you go to the ‘checkout page’ there are tow options: returning visitors and Purdue accounts. Under the ‘Returning visitors login’ there is some text saying “first time here?” and ‘create an account’. Click that and that should take you were you need to be! Feel free to post any more questions and I will get back to you as soon as I can!

  • Jessie He Hong posted an update in the group Group logo of LABASH 2011LABASH 2011 14 years ago

    i tried to register online, but it seems like i have to be Purdue student first and use my account to pay or something…. maybe i should try print out the form and send by mail?

  • Nick Mitchell posted an update in the group Group logo of LABASH 2011LABASH 2011 14 years ago

    Registration Now Open!
    Early Registration: $150

  • Jessie He Hong posted an update in the group Group logo of Asia LandscapeAsia Landscape 14 years ago

    so glad to find a group about asia LA. I m from Xi’an, China. But recently in US as a grad in landscape architecture~! nice to talk to you guys here~! 🙂

  • Jessie He Hong posted an update in the group Group logo of LABASH 2011LABASH 2011 14 years ago

    i missed 2010 in las vagas.. i have to come 2011’s! 🙂 so excited!!!!

  • Wyatt Thompson, PLA posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years ago

    Great. Glad to help. 🙂

  • Dave Breiter posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years ago

    I am using SU8 and that worked perfect. Thank you so much Wyatt!

  • Wyatt Thompson, PLA posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years ago

    It sounds like you want the photomatch view without the photo showing. Is that correct? Are you using SU8? Open the Styles window and click on Modelling Settings (the last icon). At the bottom there are toggles for the match photo background.

  • Dave Breiter posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years ago

    Wyatt, I brought a photo in for photo matching, I then outlined the buildings and faces that I needed to create 3D models of. I then used the orbit tool to move the camera which takes me into the 3D drawing mode where I applied materials to the faces in my model. I then created a scene with the 3D model. So, now I have the automatically generated…[Read more]

  • Wyatt Thompson, PLA posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years ago

    Dave, it might be helpful if you could describe more specifically what you’re trying to do, because I’m not sure I understand your question. The purpose of Photomatch is to move the camera so it sets the view of the model to align to a photo you are trying to match. Can you not use scenes to switch back and forth between the different views?…[Read more]

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