Jon Pride replied to the topic L.A.'s who seek licensure in CA but don't qualify? in the forum STORY BOARD 8 years, 3 months ago
There are about 12…..maybe 14 states that allow for work experience…..typically it means 8-10 yrs in the industry vs. 2
In the end…the lare is what is supposed to test competancy…..even though we know passing a test no matter how difficult, doesnt guarantee ones ability to design -
Jon Pride replied to the topic L.A.'s who seek licensure in CA but don't qualify? in the forum STORY BOARD 8 years, 3 months ago
don’t know…I’m already licensed in Wash, which allowed work experience to qualify…even though I’m licensed CA still requires a certain amount of college
Jon Pride replied to the topic L.A.'s who seek licensure in CA but don't qualify? in the forum STORY BOARD 8 years, 3 months ago
that’s true if you have a degree….I have only 1 yr. of college