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  • #176358

    Erika, there were no calculations (at least for me), but you should understand the components of the formulas and the general intent of the Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance.


    I took the CSE last week and passed. Thank you to all who’ve posted here–it definitely helped! A lot of questions about irrigation, mostly related to the Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. You should know a bit about irrigating with greywater. Quite a bit on ADA. If you study the DSA links provided by others in this thread, you should be fine. Know the responsibilities of USACE, CA Fish & Game, and Regional Water Board, especially related to development adjacent to wetlands. Be familiar with CalGreen, especially related to irrigation and stormwater collection. And know your natives! Especially know their water/sun requirements. There were a few questions asking about the most appropriate plant palette for a certain condition, but there wasn’t much variety in the choices, which made it difficult. There were also a couple mistakes on the exam, which was incredibly annoying because I started wondering if the mistakes were intentional to throw me off, or if they were truly errors. They weren’t major, but enough to slow me down. Good luck!

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