Sigrid Pichler posted an update in the group
3ds max + landscape architecture 16 years ago
for those interested in animations, the imagina awards
Michael Van Beek posted an update in the group
3ds max + landscape architecture 16 years ago
im leaning towards rendered images but if its something closely related i guess that would work too. they dont have to be your own. just something you think is worth everyone looking at. its not like “hey look at me” its more “hey look at this” and james there isnt any judging, its whatever.. i dont think im going to get enough images where i…[Read more]
Ryland Fox posted an update in the group
3ds max + landscape architecture 16 years ago
These are rendered images? Do they have to be our own? Or can they just be really good renderings we find?
james fink posted an update in the group
3ds max + landscape architecture 16 years ago
Who is judging?
Michael Van Beek posted an update in the group
3ds max + landscape architecture 16 years ago
this is a callout for images of the week submissions. please send them to my university account. michael.vanbeek@ndsu.edu. if you are unsure of an image’s relevance send it anways, ill check it out. hopefully there is interest for this out there. if you have any other ideas post them up i would appreciate it.
Michael Van Beek posted an update in the group
3ds max + landscape architecture 16 years ago
im going to put up a new “discussion” called image of the week, ill post it on mondays because its everyone’s favorite day.
Ryland Fox posted an update in the group
3ds max + landscape architecture 16 years ago
Thanks for that book, that is great.
Ryland Fox posted an update in the group
3ds max + landscape architecture 16 years ago
This is also a really good tutorial (in four steps) pretty complicated when it gets to the post processing stuff though.
http://en.9jcg.com/comm_pages/blog_content-art-129.htm -
Lee Attinger posted an update in the group
3ds max + landscape architecture 16 years ago
I’ve got a very straight forward manual for 3ds Max called “3ds Max Architectural Visualization.” I use it all the time for reference and unlike most program manuals its very easy to follow. Pretty much covers all the basics. Just follow this link and the password is “dallas”.
Ryland Fox posted an update in the group
3ds max + landscape architecture 16 years ago
David Fano is really good, he worked (works?) at SHoP architects in NY and has started a consulting company that show firms how to implement digital technology.
Plus he is very active on the site so you can ask him questions or request he do a tutorial on something.
Michael Van Beek posted an update in the group
3ds max + landscape architecture 16 years ago
checked out designreform. havent taken a look at any tutorials yet but looks promising. quite a few tutorials, thanks for the link… ill check it out when i have time to breathe
Ryland Fox posted an update in the group
3ds max + landscape architecture 16 years ago
David Fano at http://www.designreform.net has some excellent 3DS tutorials. His are focused on 3DS as a design tool and not visualisation.
He also has good grasshopper, rhino, and revit tutorials.
Michael Van Beek posted an update in the group
3ds max + landscape architecture 16 years ago
well, 3ds 2009 has intro tutorials. im not totally sure about 2008 but i bet it does too. do all of those, they will get you acquainted with some of the basics. from there find tutorials online, there are plenty of free ones area.autodesk.com is a good start. dont worry about finding landscape specific tutorials just do some. learning the tools is…[Read more]
Michael Van Beek posted an update in the group
3ds max + landscape architecture 16 years, 1 month ago
Michael Van Beek posted an update in the group
3ds max + landscape architecture 16 years, 1 month ago
any discussion topic ideas?
Michael Van Beek posted an update in the group
3ds max + landscape architecture 16 years, 1 month ago
idk. 3ds is such a complex program that there many ways to do the same thing, these ways subsequently produce different end products. It takes an eye for compositon and color just like hand rendering does. Different designers have different styles but to me i think it is valuable to bring representations as close to reality as possible. I also…[Read more]
Hugh Ryan posted an update in the group
3ds max + landscape architecture 16 years, 1 month ago
We use 3ds max in our office, or to be more exact the brilliant young women who work for me use it, and we are all very happy with it. However my question is, is there a risk that the sameness of the presentations as presented by different designers may mask the individuality of the designs and the designers, or am I wrong? -
Sigrid Pichler posted an update in the group
3ds max + landscape architecture 16 years, 1 month ago
Michael, thanks for the tip with the autodesk tutorials.
Kavan, i find the idea of using 3ds max for simulations, as you said for eg. watershed calculations, very interesting. i hadn’t thought you could enter the necessary data into 3dsmax for the programme to calculate and simulate these events. that’s very intriguing, although my laptop would…[Read more]
kavan donohue posted an update in the group
3ds max + landscape architecture 16 years, 1 month ago
The more u model the more you learn to keep your finger off F9. Also the more you model the more you learn to create fast visualizations with high impact.
Lee Attinger posted an update in the group
3ds max + landscape architecture 16 years, 1 month ago
Heres one of my latest renderings
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