Kody Smith replied to the topic Getting the best print quality from an InDesign document with SketchUp images? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 9 months ago
Degradation of linework mentioned is what I see when exporting directly from sketchup (just to clarify).
Kody Smith replied to the topic Getting the best print quality from an InDesign document with SketchUp images? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 9 months ago
One thing I do is to export the image w/o the line work and another of the same view of just the lines. Combining them in photoshop with multiply for the lines over the color export. Screening the lines back at a lighter transparency (50%). Usually I see a lot of the degregation in the linework quality.
Kody Smith replied to the topic Using Revit & Photoshop for Perspectives in the forum GRAPHICS 14 years ago
Everything that is not seen in the basic Sketchup model is done in photoshop, including lighting and finish effects.
I don’t really know of any other good books. I have both of the books mentioned above. There is a tutorial online for anything you want to learn though…just google a topic and search (i.e. night time photoshop rendering..) -
Kody Smith replied to the topic New Cities! in the forum PLACES & SPACES 14 years ago
Baldwin Park. Orlando, FL. New Urbanist community but view as separate town/city.
Kody Smith replied to the topic Using Revit & Photoshop for Perspectives in the forum GRAPHICS 14 years ago
In the bottom image above you can see the general massing and scale of buildings. I would then find architecture to place onto this face. I try to find high res images of architecture and other items and then distort them to fit the perspective. When using architecture its best to find clean facades without obstructions, such as trees and uti…[Read more]
Kody Smith replied to the topic Using Revit & Photoshop for Perspectives in the forum GRAPHICS 14 years ago
I find it too time consuming to waste time using a complex modeling program and rendering engine to create the perfect scene with correct lighting, materials and landscape. Often rendering times can take some serious time and if you don’t like it, you make a minor tweak and wait again….Rather I produce a quick skecthcup model (if needed for…[Read more]
Kody Smith replied to the topic Green walls – I love this one in the forum DETAILS & MATERIALS 14 years, 2 months ago
The ones that I have seen have a structure attached to the adjacent wall that includes the irrigation system. The plants are contained in boxes (approximately 18″ sq.). These boxed plants are then hung on the structure itself. Therefore if there is a problem the boxes/panels can be replaced individually. As with Horizontal landscape more effort is…[Read more]