Matt Kreitman replied to the topic Skateboard Deterrents in the forum DETAILS & MATERIALS 15 years, 5 months ago
We’re just having the antiskate benches fabricated from shop drawings. We import a lot of custom sized and finished cut stone from China – pavers, slab etc. A customer asked us to come up with something antiskateboard for this project. So we designed it to their size requirements, spec’d a groove size that would hard to skate on but still OK to…[Read more]
Matt Kreitman replied to the topic Skateboard Deterrents in the forum DETAILS & MATERIALS 15 years, 5 months ago
Recent advances in stone fabricating technology enable my business, Groundfloor Stone, to provide a variety of aesthetic and cost-efficient antiskateboard solutions. We have a current order for six granite 18″x18″x72″ benches for a school district in northern New Mexico. These have been etched crossways end to end with a 1″ wide by .25″ deep…[Read more]