
  • Matt Mathes PLA posted an update in the group Group logo of Pacific NorthwestPacific Northwest 6 years, 5 months ago

    Greetings to those members not yet licensed, living in Western Canada, here’s a prep opportunity ahead of December, 2018 exam:

    LARE Candidates across Canada are invited to participate in two prep sessions sponsored by Alberta Association of Landscape Architects.
    Section 1 & 2 is Saturday November 3, 10AM to 2PM Central Time
    Section 3 & 4 is Saturday November 10, 10AM to 2PM Central Time
    The Section 1 & 2 or Section 3 & 4 tracks are two separate sessions. The format enables candidates to assess strength and weakness, to preview problem styles, experience drilling, discover success factors as well as hear an over view of exam content to enhance overall exam performance. The Section 3 & 4 session features slides, a video, plus sample problems in storm water, grading and drainage in greater detail. Both sessions include supplemental handouts in customized post session follow-up emails.
    For conference call information and to Register please visit

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