MJ posted an update in the group
Graphics 16 years ago
I have questions about Vectorworks.. one of that is.. when I use VW for 3d site modeling, it becomes so slow.. I made layers simple, even classes.. But still slow..
I’m using ‘i-mac’ resent version. How I can make it faster? Change Graphic Card?
Up Grade Memory? Is there anybody knows about VectorWorks? -
MJ posted an update in the group
Graphics 16 years ago
Thanks! I’ll try it! I really want to be good at visualizing.. !!
MJ posted an update in the group
Graphics 16 years ago
This looks good. What program do you usually use for this? Especially I like that water
texture. I want to learn it! -
MJ posted an update in the group
Digital assets and resources 16 years ago
I’ve used Auto Cad for 7years and I have to move on Vector Works for a new Company. It’s so confusing and not so much information so far.. Tutorials don’t really give me right answers and I have many problems to figure out, but it’s difficult ask somebody.. Not so many people are using this..