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  • #153557

    Thanks Trace One!  I’ll check in with the names you’ve mentioned.  I really, really appreciate the suggestions. 

    I went to the City College of New York and we did have a lot of networking opportunities. I kick myself now for not attending more of them! Some of the teachers have hired students in their private practices or provided them with internships but not many. The program is relatively new and they don’t seem to have any tradition of sending their graduates to any particular employer.  

    I’ve applied for several positions with the city DEP but heard nothing back.  Many of their positions with Intern in the title still are looking for people with over 5 years of experience managing projects with over $1,000,000 price tags! I really don’t understand if this is an industry norm or if everybody just lies about their background. 


    Thanks for all the great feedback.  My networking opportunities are pretty limited these days but I’ll do my best to get out there more.  It sounds like the informational interview is the real key to getting connected in this industry (at least in New York) if you don’t know anyone.  Feel free to share the names of any NYC firms that you know are looking for entry level staff! 


    Thanks Brian, I appreciate the breakdown of how you went about landing a job. It’s the details of how these things come together that’s so mystifying to me.  I’ll let you know how it goes.


    Thanks for the feedback! Forgive my ignorance, but what happens at an informational interview and who usually conducts them?  What would I be expected to do in an informational interview? 

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