
  • nca posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 15 years, 8 months ago

    I thought I would contribute some different digital and hand techniques I’ve experimented with over the last few semesters as an undergrad. Before I returned to school for Landscape Architecture I enrolled in a 12 month cad drafting course and read all the landscape graphics books I could get my hands on, which still seem sort of thin (lets publish a new landscape graphics book already!?). I had a massive collection of chartpak and prismacolor markers and colored pencils. I discovered media such as double sided vellum and bumwad all on my own. Every night I went to town on free landscape designs, occasionally I even built them for money.

    I never would have thought I’d be considered a ‘computer guy,’ which I think some would consider me. Believe it or not though I can’t stand computers and know very little about how they work, nor do I care ;).. I first opened photoshop CS 5 months before I began attending school in 2005 and find it extremely powerful and intuitive in the design process. Hope these images show up..

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