
  • Page Huyette posted an update in the group Group logo of Portfolios and Resumes - Design StrategiesPortfolios and Resumes – Design Strategies 13 years, 6 months ago

    Peter,  your comment about approaching your portfolio from a print format perspective is interesting.  I think many of us who spend a lot of time at the drawing board suffer from this, and moving our personal work to digital format is a jump for some.  I think that if you have a standardized filing system in place that is reflected on your computer and in your paper files, they will mimic each other.  Then you are able to create series of portfolios in multiple formats that work together.  An example would be to send an attachment to your email confirming an interview which contains a few choice close-ups of your work, followed by the real deal in paper format in your interview.  A lot of ways to go with this, and it seems your work would translate to any of them.
    As for the Acrobat Pro option, it is somewhat limited in terms of customization for creatives, but better than a scroll-down doc for sure.
    –Page Huyette
    Blog:  With Design in Mind

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