Penelope started the topic Billable Percentages in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 4 years, 1 month ago
I was wondering if anyone can give me a general rule of thumb on what per cent of an LA’s total hours should be billable. I realize this is very much based on years of experience, role, company size, etc. I heard something once like:
Entry level: 90%
Landscape Architect: 80%
PM: 70%
Principal: 50-60%This is assuming of course that a PM and…[Read more]
Penelope replied to the topic Survey Liability Release in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 4 years, 7 months ago
Thanks Bob, I appreciate the response. I just can’t get the CAD file now because they refuse to release it!
Penelope started the topic Survey Liability Release in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 4 years, 7 months ago
Is it normal practice for a surveyor to ask an LA to sign a release of liability before providing a CAD file of a survey? I have a client who had a survey done months ago, then hired us to do the landscape plan, so I contacted the surveyor to ask for the CAD file. They want me to sign a release of liability before providing the file to me. I went…[Read more]
Penelope became a registered member 4 years, 7 months ago