Philip (PJ) Benenati posted an update in the group
Green Streets 16 years, 2 months ago
Well I’ll be honest, I’m very jealous of what you are able to get approved out on the west coast. As of now we seem to be a bit behind the curve but we’re trying to at least catch up with you.
The majority of our office work is around the Washington D.C. metropolitan area (including northern VA and Maryland) and each municipality seems to be at a different level of acceptance of green streets and sustainable stormwater management. DC government is still much divided on the issue. The Dept of Environment supports these practices, while the Dept of Transportation still has obvious concerns regarding maintenance and ownership of the systems. Our office is working on one of the first green street projects in DC to survive a 2nd stage PUD Planning hearing. However even as this project goes into construction documentation, many government reviewers remain skeptical, mainly because this just hasn’t been done here before. Overall, I believe that many firms are proposing LID systems, especially in the ROW, however there always seems to be a frustrating uphill battle to get the ideas through the local planning process.