Stephanie Smoot started the topic describing grading slopes for transportation projects in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 4 years, 8 months ago
I am working on a Design build narrative for some large earthwork roadways at an interchange. In particular, i would like an engineer to understand what I want.
1. I would like to describe a overall naturalistic contouring objective so that the roadway embankments of up to 20 feet high aren’t uniformly 2:1 slopes intersecting abruptly into…[Read more]
Stephanie Smoot started the topic Integrate solar array in landscape? in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 6 years, 3 months ago
Any ideas on how to integrate a minimum 2600 sf ground mounted solar array into the New England landscape? The panels will be located in a five acre field owned by and visible along the entrance drive of an affluent condo community. The view to the traditional hay field is prized by naturalists, walkers, community. Not sure if we will need…[Read more]
Stephanie Smoot became a registered member 6 years, 9 months ago