Steven Bauer

  • Cendra Ramirez posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 13 years, 9 months ago

    Hey Daniel – I have a quick (hopefully) question. I tried to create a shade structure, but I can’t seem to figure out how to control the direction the fabric is taking. On the attached SU file, I would like the fabric to have a downward curve (showing the gravity) and instead I have an upward curve. Is there a quick way of changing the curve……[Read more]

  • vc hefti posted an update in the group Group logo of Green StreetsGreen Streets 13 years, 10 months ago

    Greet links, they helped a lot on a recent project. Thanks!

  • Thanks for your photos Chris.  Deadrick street looks great!
    Kevin– yes, we are installing planters over storm inlets. 
    Any feedback is appreciated.

  • JIm Leggitt posted an update in the group Group logo of Drawing ShortcutsDrawing Shortcuts 13 years, 10 months ago

    Thanks Tim and Cynthia. Next webinar will really get into strategic thinking about perspectives and drawing composition – my favorites! I’ll cook up some more video clips and hopefully control the camera focus a bit more than in last night’s program.

  • Webinar was really great – nice mix of refresher and new info. So helpful to keep up to date on materials and processes and see through Jim’s crystal ball into the future.

  • Tim Oliver posted an update in the group Group logo of Drawing ShortcutsDrawing Shortcuts 13 years, 10 months ago

    Great webinar last night, Jim!  Looking forward to part 2 next week!

  • What is the grade and the largest amount of water you are dealing with? The planter needs to be designed to handle whatever nature throws at you.  You can retrofit the drain like Chris said to become the overflow at the down end of your planter. If you have a lot of slope, check dams can hold the water and pool it to infiltrate fully. Then the…[Read more]

  • Are you talking about installing a planter over a storm inlet, or a storm line? 

  • We are designing stormwater bioretention planters for a downtown.  We want to place a planter where a storm drain currently exists.  Can a planter be designed over a storm drain and be an effective bioretention measure — i.e. slowing down rainwater but not completely infiltrating?  Appreciate any input.

  • We are seeking resumes for a 5-6 year experience Landscape Architect/ designer for our busy Buffalo, NY office. Info found at

  • Wyatt Thompson, PLA posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 13 years, 11 months ago

    Hey Dave. One way would be to map appropriate landform/vegetation/sky images to a curved background similar to these at SCF. You could also do a search for sky dome at SCF or in the 3D Warehouse. If you intend to fly right up to the edge of the TIN, you might also need to extend the surface out a ways to meet at the image. By matching the…[Read more]

  • Dave Breiter posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 13 years, 11 months ago

    I am working on an animated fly-through of an airport. I have a tin of the actual terrain and have added my 3D model of the airport to the tin. My question for the group is, what do I do to eliminate “the earth is flat” look of my animation. My terrain tin extends in a two mile radius from the airport. I thought about putting a sky/horizon image…[Read more]

  • Wyatt Thompson, PLA posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years ago

    You could also try the Shapebender script by Chris Fullmer. It can be a little complicated to figure out at first, but once you understand what it’s doing, it becomes pretty easy to manipulate. Chris has produced several videos (also posted at the above link) that help explain. If you have questions after watching those I’ll do my best to help.

  • I need more info for Golf course , to complementary knowledge for Landscape

  • Debbie James posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years ago

    Thanks Guys 🙂
    @ John,  its an iron fence from 3D warehouse, so not too many segments to it.
    @ Daniel, hi ya!   Yes, I did some what follow the book and downloaded the Path copy, but it did not work at all after several tries…..hmmm maybe I did not do it right cause it clump them together, but not on the arc.  I will email you.
    thanks guys! 

  • John Pacyga posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years ago

    Fences can be a material (an image applied to a curved surface in your case) or a component which would have segments.  I am not sure which is best for your project.  You may consider extruding your curved shape as a volume, then deleting everything but the wall in order to place the fence material on a curved surface.  The fencing materials ar…[Read more]

  • Debbie James posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years ago

    Hi,  I am trying to figure out how to apply a fence along an arc path, but cannot for the life of me find anything on it. I tried googling it and looked in the site design book, but nothing. the rotating tool does not work great for an arc line, I don’t think.  Its like I have to bend the fence to fit it along the arc, but do not know how…!

  • Philip (PJ) Benenati posted an update in the group Group logo of Green StreetsGreen Streets 14 years ago

    John, thanks for sharing.  Do you have any site photos, from these projects, that you’re able to post here?

  • John Galbavy posted an update in the group Group logo of Green StreetsGreen Streets 14 years ago

    If anybody here has done any public work involving raingardens in Florida let me know! Since I have been working for my firm here in Tampa we have completed 4 to 5 significant “raingarden” type projects; one of them being a LAP FDOT streetscape for Tarpon Springs. Public work involving stormwater management in a creative way is far and few…[Read more]

  • Pascu Andreea posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years ago

    That’s great. Thank you! I’ve got your book, but I couldn’t find that one in there, shame on me if it was there..too tired! Thanks again.

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