Sugie Dotson

  • Thanks Stephanie, I see what you mean. Thanks so much!

  • Hello Tamera,
    Well, As a LEED AP, I can tell you that LEED doesn’t deal with the spaces BETWEEN the buildings on a level that is watershed centric, site planning, soils responsive. LEED does not give points for passive solutions, but favors mechanical solutions. In so many ways, LEED is very narrow, and SSI is very broad. Those are just a few…[Read more]

  • Our office has done several green roofs and are now working on a project where I want to do both green roofs and green walls. I have a pretty good handle on the roofs, but have been having a tough time getting the green wall people to respond with samples of their products. I have offered to buy the samples but so far they have not responded. I’m…[Read more]

  • Hello…I am here to be a resource, how can I help you?


  • Joy, have your Chapter Trustee or President check in with Liz at ASLA national and she can certainly help find appropriate speakers for you. Also, the ASLA Sustainable Design & Development PPN can help guide you as well. We have many talented speakers that can address many different aspects of this topic.

  • The NY Upstate Chapter of the ASLA is teaming with the NY State AIA for the first time ever to put a JOINT conference together! Sustainability is a particular topic that is HOT on both arenas. Please feel free to let me know if there are people interested in presenting at the conference regarding the SSI to LEED roll out, or to a particularly…[Read more]

  • Feel free to use the group’s forum to post questions and discussion topics. Just click the “+ Start Discussion” link.


  • Thank you Eric for your feedback – invaluable information since many have been asking about the LEED GA exam.

  • Charles,
    Perhaps they are hiring knowledgable Landscape Architects? Clearly they need help.

  • Just sat for the GA Exam and passed on the first attempt. It’s definitely distilled down from the old version of the exams. From my perspective the LEED GA is a great credential for LAs to have the distinction, but without having to go through the specialty portions that are beyond our typical work. Sustainable Sites is where I’m placing my emphasis.

  • My civil engineer handed me a brochure on the Filterra Bioretention System which appears to be a vault, filled with gravel, sand and a little peat moss that takes in and filters storm water. The vault is topped with a tree grate where you plant a plant from the recommended list provided by Filterra. Has anyone used this system? They recommend that…[Read more]

  • That’s fantastic to know USGBC is taking SiTES seriously. Alot of fellow designers have been very concerned about how SITES and LEED will integrate or if any integration will take place at all!?!?! There are so many great things about SITES that it would be a shame for LEED to miss. Thanks for the note, Heather!

  • Hey Folks! Just a quick note to say hello and introduce myself. After completing the 2009 report, I resigned as project manager of the Sustainable Sites Initiative to pursue other opportunities and spend more time with my 7 month old son. I am currently working with the USGBC as a subject matter expert to incorporate portions of the Sustainable…[Read more]

  • I agree with Heather about building a track record of using the SSI. It is through application in the real world that tools like the SSI show their strengths and value.

  • I am anxious to see the outcome of the pilot projects. I think the real world application and testing of Sites is of the upmost importance and we will learn a great deal from this process.

    In order to continue building natural capital through the design construction and maintenance of regenerative systems, we need to see the application of…[Read more]

  • Hi Heather! You and I have had many past conversations when you were in the trenches with SSI. So what are your current thoughts from your new perspective relative to what needs to happen to keep the SSI momentum going? Is practical application the key….or are there other issues that are just as critical?

    You’ve been a great resource…..hope…[Read more]

  • Hey Folks! Just a quick note to say hello and introduce myself. After completing the 2009 report, I resigned as project manager of the Sustainable Sites Initiative to pursue other opportunities and spend more time with my 7 month old son. I am excited to hear your thoughts and concentrate more strongly on the practical application of the…[Read more]

  • Thanks much to Chad and Charles. Are there specific details that you used, or did you just design your own details for each specific site? I’m going to look at SSI and see if there are any parking lots in their case studies; looking for pictures of good examples to show client that it can look good as well as earn them LEED credits!

  • Naomi-
    If 6″ curbs are a must, explore the possibility of using curb cuts at regular intervals or where it makes sense….the cuts will still allow runoff to enter the depression. Clay soils? Maybe grade soil towards a central trench/basin filled with gravel. Put an underdrain at the bottom of the gravel and follow Charles’ suggestion of piping…[Read more]

  • Naomi
    We have done quite a few parking lots with the planting islands as depressed catchment areas. Most of the time we have to plumb them together to get rid of the water as infiltration is not good. One problem I have seen is that these areas tend collect litter and looks bad unless cleaned oftern.

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