Tempe Macgowan replied to the topic Hey, does anyone know of any work available in Asia or Australia? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 6 months ago
Australia has had an economic downturn rather than a recession so whilst there a lot of LA’s have been affected (especially ones who
work globally) a lot of people are really busy, Try looking at the institute’s website – aila.or.au – and there’s a job vacancies page and
you can get an idea of what’s going and also some of the practices under each…[Read more] -
Tempe Macgowan replied to the topic Case Studies / Design Precedents: Parks in Urban Settings with BMPs/Swales/Retention Basins in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 14 years, 6 months ago
In Sydney, it is standard practice/policy to work with rainwater/run-off in both parks and residential developments ie. the site must deal with its’ own runoff etc according to best practice in sustainable development. I’m not sure how this relates to your work but I imagine the principles can be applied. You can look up sites like Victoria Park,…[Read more]