Im searching this topic and-there a project whose name New York- high line project-It s also good but smaller than ruhr of course:D
here the web address;
Yeah ı wanna to work a general view of transformation-industial,mining places etc..- ı dont suppose that any research about Ankara,but ı think Kocaeli-İstanbul-Bursa or Eskişehir could be suitable..but ı have to research..
Dear Ieva,what is your thesis area,and do u need any information and other kind of documents,also ı want to study that topic about my thesis..So let me give more detail..:
thank u Heike for your interests..So what should ı do until 11th of ı know,we choose a topic,from the concepts and we will present something..or?? thx again and c u soon..
thx is useful things.if u can send your personel photos,ı will be so glad..?my mail is
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