Zeina F. Salam

  • marcial andan flores posted an update in the group Group logo of DESIGNDESIGN 14 years, 2 months ago

    hello guys…
    glad to join the group.

  • I wanted to explain the comment below about me no longer teaching graphics workshops after 2011 (from good friend Brandon Reed).  From mid-year 2011 forward, I’ll be teaching fine art workshops (drawing, watercolor, and oil painting).  I have no plans on teaching Color Mastery or Freehand Perspective Sketching (workshops aimed at Landscape…[Read more]

  • I just signed up for the Color Mastery Class in February.  If anybody is interested in splitting the cost of a hotel room, feel free to send me a message.

  • Just a quick note for all of you who were ever considering taking a Color Mastery or Perspective Sketching Class from Richard Scott….He has just informed me that this year will be his last year that he will EVER BE TEACHING these classes! So if you were ever thinking of taking one…Please go to http://www.graphicsteacher.com and sign up today! I can…[Read more]

  • would anyone be interested in selling their used workbooks from the workshops to me? I live in Australia and in the near future, not able to travel to the States to attend the graphic workshops.

  • Wyatt Thompson, PLA posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years, 3 months ago

    Great. Glad to help. 🙂

  • Dave Breiter posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years, 3 months ago

    I am using SU8 and that worked perfect. Thank you so much Wyatt!

  • Wyatt Thompson, PLA posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years, 3 months ago

    It sounds like you want the photomatch view without the photo showing. Is that correct? Are you using SU8? Open the Styles window and click on Modelling Settings (the last icon). At the bottom there are toggles for the match photo background.

  • Dave Breiter posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years, 3 months ago

    Wyatt, I brought a photo in for photo matching, I then outlined the buildings and faces that I needed to create 3D models of. I then used the orbit tool to move the camera which takes me into the 3D drawing mode where I applied materials to the faces in my model. I then created a scene with the 3D model. So, now I have the automatically generated…[Read more]

  • Wyatt Thompson, PLA posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years, 3 months ago

    Dave, it might be helpful if you could describe more specifically what you’re trying to do, because I’m not sure I understand your question. The purpose of Photomatch is to move the camera so it sets the view of the model to align to a photo you are trying to match. Can you not use scenes to switch back and forth between the different views?…[Read more]

  • Dave Breiter posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years, 3 months ago

    Does anyone know how to switch from the 2D sketching mode to the drawing mode in photo match without adjusting the camera angle? I have buildings outlined perfectly in the sketching mode but the only way I can tell to switch to the drawing mode is with the POV tools and to do that my model no longer has the correct camera view.

    Thank you,

  • Can I get some feedback on my current resume? I’m applying to graduate programs for next fall and can you use all the advice I can take on tweaking it. Thanks!!Brittany Resume Fall 2010.pdf

  • Brad Swanson posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years, 4 months ago

    Thanks Daniel!

  • Brad Swanson posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years, 4 months ago

    Does anyone know the estimated total number of Google SketchUp users in the U.S. or world wide?

  • Christopher- The thing that stood out the most is your resume. Move your education down towards the bottom- below everything other than maybe affiliations. With it on top, above professional experience, you are making it look like it is more important than your actual work.

  • Dave Breiter posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years, 5 months ago

    I’m really stumped on the whole photo match feature in SU. I have a project where I need to show a new streetscape design meshed with a photo of the existing street and I can’t for the life of me get photo match to work right. I have viewed several of the tutorial videos on YouTube but I am just not able to get the origin or the axis to come out…[Read more]

  • Mark, I wouldn’t hesitate to go back to your old employer to ask for more samples. That employer could be very understanding of the circumstances “out there” and want to help you. – Who knows, maybe he will have just gotten a big job and will need to hire you back!
    Good luck

  • Zach Watson posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years, 6 months ago

    Daniel, I just got your book today, briefly looking through it I’m excited to work my way through it. I was surprised to see that the model that you used in the Sandbox Webinar was not in there. I’m assuming and hopefully there is another section in the book that covers the principles that you did in that webinar because I was not able to attend…[Read more]

  • Jack C. Myers posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years, 6 months ago

    Thanks for the fast response. It was very helpful. I looked through a lot of helpful plugins and ruby scripts that will be useful. I don’t know who Andrew is. So, I can’t contact him. On another note, what is the script/plugin that automatically fills in the space between CAD lines with plains?

    BTW, I ordered your book & will get it soon.…[Read more]

  • Jack C. Myers posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years, 6 months ago

    Can anyone tell me how I can view the webinars presented by Daniel Tal for Land8Lounge in July? I saw one of them and I want to watch it again. Also, Daniel gave a list of plug-ins that he recommends. That would be helpful.

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