I’m in the same boat (except taking both C and E next week…) and from my understanding you’ll essentially lose your D if you don’t pass either C or E before the new style is introduced.
Refer to this: https://www.clarb.org/Candidates/Documents/LARE-transition-chart-wi…
Section A will directly become Section 1, B will become 2 and C,D, and E will split to become tests 3 and 4. If you pass either C or E prior to the new style being implemented you’ll only have to pass one exam instead of 2.
Is it that much different? I mean, you still have to pass two tests at this point either way, but I guess it depends if you’ve already invested time into studying for C and E? Will the new format be “harder?” Who knows I guess….
I just know that new style is all digital and I’ve heard from architects (NCARB has gone all digital) that the digital drafting is ridiculous.