Daniel Miller replied to the topic Biggest discount we have ever offered for a graphic workshop that will change your life in the forum GRAPHICS 13 years, 2 months ago
I’d love to take a Mike Lin course. I know you offer several different types of courses, but is this one only 7 day course? As a contract employee I can’t really afford to take a full 5 days of work off unpaid. Are you offering any 3 day segments within this or anything?
Daniel Miller replied to the topic LARE TESTING HOAX!? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 13 years, 2 months ago
Well, this has been a re-assuring, confidence building read as I prepare to take Sections C and E next week…
Daniel Miller replied to the topic LARE Reformatting in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 13 years, 2 months ago
I’m in the same boat (except taking both C and E next week…) and from my understanding you’ll essentially lose your D if you don’t pass either C or E before the new style is introduced.
Refer to this: https://www.clarb.org/Candidates/Documents/LARE-transition-chart-wi…
Section A will directly become Section 1, B will become 2 and C,D, a…[Read more] -
Daniel Miller replied to the topic MLA or MUD? in the forum EDUCATION 13 years, 3 months ago
I’m not fully sure what you’re asking, but I’ll do my best. I know that when applying to UC Berkeley you must choose only one program to apply for. You can’t choose multiple degree programs in hopes that you’ll be accepted into at least one and make your decision from there.
Having said that, it’s about following what you feel your pr…[Read more] -
Daniel Miller replied to the topic What Graduate Degree would you recommend as the best complement to an Undergrad in Landscape Architecture? Pros and Cons? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 6 months ago
If you’re interested in urban design don’t confuse urban design with “the politics and paperwork of urban and regional planning.” Urban design and urban planning are different things. While all environmental design fields overlap and build upon another, these are two different fields of study/practice.
Daniel Miller replied to the topic File Naming Conventions: How do you name your CAD files? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 14 years, 7 months ago
I find it crazy that people don’t use Xrefs. Even for small jobs that you do on your own — it just makes sense to have a site plan referencing into all of your drawings. Plus it’s just good practice, right?
Daniel Miller replied to the topic What Graduate Degree would you recommend as the best complement to an Undergrad in Landscape Architecture? Pros and Cons? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 7 months ago
Hard to tell as of yet if it will give me a leg up on professionals without a MUD degree. I’m about a month out from completing my thesis and really getting into the job search. (I’ve sent out a number of resumes/portfolios so far, but as I’m sure you’ve heard — the market’s pretty slim.)
As for the notion that Urban Design might be…[Read more]
Daniel Miller replied to the topic What Graduate Degree would you recommend as the best complement to an Undergrad in Landscape Architecture? Pros and Cons? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 7 months ago
I’d say it depends on your individual interests and what you want to get out of it. If your undergrad tailored more towards the practical side of the profession then maybe you pursue a graduate degree from a school that is more theory based. If you’re interested in natural systems then there’s always horticulture, urban forestry, hydrology,…[Read more]
Daniel Miller replied to the topic Landscape Architecture Blogs in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 7 months ago
I’ll take the liberties of plugging my buddy (and contributing member) Adam Anderson’s blog: http://designundersky.com
Daniel Miller replied to the topic What Firms Are Looking For in Student Portfolios in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 7 months ago
When I finished up at CPP I had a wide array of projects — ranging from 1st year VoF to 4th year senior projects. It doesn’t/didn’t matter what format or medium the original project was done in, but in my opinion you’re better off laying it out in InDesign or a program you’re comfortable with and creating a solid package that you can present to…[Read more]
Daniel Miller replied to the topic hourly rate for small side jobs in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 14 years, 7 months ago
Like everyone has noted, it’s a difficult question to give a consistent answer too. You’ve got to charge an amount that’s commensurate with your experience and skill while not scaring client’s away. I agree that you have to value your services, but for sidework $100/hour is a bit high. A lot of the fees that go into professional fees are…[Read more]
Daniel Miller replied to the topic Are Landscape Architects Just Being Used As Graphic Designers/Visualisers in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 6 months ago
Yes and No.
First and foremost, we’re landscape architects.
Secondly, whether it’s 1909 or 2009, graphics are an essential method of conveying ideas, so that the ideas you so thoughtfully created as a landscape architect can by demonstrated to clients and the public who may not have the experience reading a black and white technical…[Read more]
Daniel Miller replied to the topic March Section D in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 15 years, 10 months ago
Don’t remember any of the specific plant names, but they were mostly along the lines of…
“You have a _______ type of planting situation where the owner is looking for low water usage, it gets full sun, and will need to withstand moderate foot traffic….” ( or somethign similar….)
then it gave you options A – E, all of which contained 3 or 4…[Read more]
Daniel Miller replied to the topic LARE TESTING HOAX!? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 15 years, 11 months ago
My only “real complaint” about the process is that neither LARE nor CLARB seem to be on the same page as anyone else who is administering practice material or study courses. I bought the PPI books, took the UCLA prep courses for C & E, came across piles of study material from colleagues and past test takers…and really studied it. A lot. For…[Read more]
Daniel Miller replied to the topic Are there any RISD students/alums out there? in the forum EDUCATION 15 years, 11 months ago
Congrats to those who have been accepted. Myself and a friend both were accepted for the MLA II program this fall as well. Did anyone apply to any other programs?
I have another friend and old classmate who started last summer. He says it has it’s ups and downs, and its not perfect but he loves it. Coming with a background of a BSLA and the…[Read more]
Daniel Miller replied to the topic LA organizations doing all LA professionals a disservice. Wake up! in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 11 months ago
With similar opinions to those who have posted before me here, I would agree that a firm, such as the one named, has a certain reputation to uphold in order to continue doing business in the future as it has become accustomed to. Without knowing any of the real details of this company… their employees, projects or clients, but I do know that t…[Read more]
Daniel Miller replied to the topic March Section D in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 15 years, 11 months ago
Yeah, I would agree. This is the second time I have taken it, and there was a significant jump in specific plant questions on this version. In my prior experience, I think there was one specific question (asking genus and species) and a couple of generic (what type of plant is best suited in this situation…hedge, evergreen tree, native grasses,…[Read more]
Daniel Miller posted an update in the group
Cal Poly Pomona 15 years, 12 months ago
Thought I’d do my initial group check-in.
I hope all is well with everyone.
Daniel Miller replied to the topic Unemployed Recent Graduates in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 12 months ago
The 3 things I learned the very first day of Landscape Architecture:
1) If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend…get ready to break up with them, because you’ll be spending more time in lab than with them and they probably won’t like it.
2) If you’re in this for the money, you can leave now.
3) Be prepared to look elsewhere for work ever 15 years,…[Read more]
Daniel Miller posted an update in the group
Graphics Teacher Workshops 15 years, 12 months ago
I was fortunate enough to take Richard Scott’s rendering classes in school at Cal Poly Pomona and a water coloring class with him in Florence.
The man is brilliant. He completely understands the art and the science of color, perspective and technique and knows how to utilize them very well. I would more than recommend taking any courses you can…[Read more]
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