Attached is a pencil technique on video using a regular 6B pencil or can be a Prismacolor black pencil. Tips are bold in blue and taught by BeLoose Graphic Workshop:
- outline building with Constant Fuzzy Line and Hit-go-Hit.
- outline trees with Variable Fuzzy Line using leaf language (McDonald, Wendy).
- apply Tone Line with 45 Degree Strokes and Gradual Value Change.
- apply sky with High Contrast Line to pop the building and make it whiter.
- emphasize Focal Point by applying darker value toward center of drawing on trees and grass.
- leave front of building and top of the tree white.
- remember to Draw Small without touching the Edge of paper.
Try a few times and you will become very comfortable in Pencil Technique. Enjoy.
Mike Lin, ASLA, ASAI
Brian Lin, AIA, ASAI
BeLoose Graphic Workshop