I am writing from the East coast, so the short answer to your question is No, I don’t have any specific plant recommendations to offer.
I did work on a green roof project growing plants in a greenhouse and then placing them on a local roof, and can second the sedum/delosperma suggestion for tolerant succulents. These genus are huge, so there’s bound to be something suited to your area. I found the plants’ performance to be generally but not exactly reflective of the literature. I think it’s ultimately a pretty site-specific issue, so I would suggest hedging your bets with a variety of plants. In our study, we started with 12, and ultimately would only recommend about 4, with one being the clear winner. If another green wall is available in your area, I would find out as much about it as I could. This technology is still new enough that the experience learned in a previous installation would likely be really valuable to your project. Good luck! Document and share your process!!
This might open up your thinking a bit: