Virginia Tech MLA in Alexandria…questions

Landscape Architecture for Landscape Architects Forums EDUCATION Virginia Tech MLA in Alexandria…questions

  • This topic has 1 reply, 3 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by TTY.
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  • #170336
    Paul Best

    I was just admitted to Virginia Tech’s MLA I program in old town alexandria.  I am excited because design intelligence rates it the number 2 mla program in the US

    while I try to coordinate a visit, I was wondering if anyone has attended this program or knows anything about it.  What was your experience like?
    I hear they have an apartment building next to the Washington Alexandria Architectural Center (WAAC) where the program is housed.  Is this true? how much is rent/how hard is it to get a place there?
    I am concerned about the expense of Alexandria, the only other place I applied was UC-Denver


    I have just been accepted to the MLA in VT Alexandria. When I searched on the internet, I found your post here. Are you still in WAAC? How do you feel that?

    CJ Cho

    It’s probably too late to reply to this post now, since you probably already decided where to go. I’m in the program now and lived in the student housing.

    Housing in Old Town Alexandria and in the neighboring areas is high. The campus is in the middle of a city and 10 minutes to DC, so you can’t expect it to be very cheap. The student housing is generally offered for one year and the price is much lower than the average rent options. However, the MLA program is generally two to three years so you want to take that into consideration. I think if you want to live at the Gallery, you most likely can. I’ve only known of a few people who weren’t able to get into the student housing, but this was because they applied for the housing very late, like close to Aug.

    You can message me if you have any more questions.

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