
  • Ray Freeman posted an update in the group Group logo of L.A.R.E. - ANYTHING GOESL.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 13 years, 11 months ago

    Section E LARE Review in North Carolina
    Date/Time: May 13-15, 2011 (25 hours)
    Through lecture, group discussion, and practice exercises, this intensive three day course focuses on preparing students to take Section E: Grading & Drainage of the Landscape Architects Registration Examination. The course includes a look at how the performance sections of the LARE are organized, what material is typically covered on the exam, strategy tips on attacking the vignettes and how vignettes are evaluated by CLARB. The course covers the fundamentals of grading and drainage, as well as intermediate level concepts for grading and drainage, as well as problem solving techniques applied to example exercises. Exercises of increasing difficulty and complexity will be given and reviewed during the course, which allows students to build their skills throughout the weekend. Each student will receive a course syllabus containing approximately 135 pages of information pertinent to Section E and 28 exercises and vignettes. Four of the vignettes have two or more parts making a total of 33 distinct problems. Desk crits while during work sessions are an integral part of the class.
    The program includes:
    • Overview of the Exam and Section E
    • Basic Exam Preparation Techniques
    • An Introduction to Grading & Drainage
    • Solving Watershed Planning Problems
    • Grading Platforms
    • Grading Swales
    • Roadway Grading
    • Grading Processes and Procedures
    • Storm Drainage Systems
    • Interpretation of Soils Maps and Boring Logs
    • Foundation Systems and Setting Finish Floors
    • Accessibility Requirements
    • Vision Cone Problem Solving
    • Pond and Dam Components, Functions and Design
    • Sizing Stormwater Basins
    • Practical Techniques for Solving Vignettes
    • Grading as a Design Process
    Students will complete timed vignettes typical of those on Section E of the LARE. The class takes a programmed approach to Section E, with lectures covering concepts and techniques applicable to specific vignette types, followed by a timed vignette which tests the skills taught. Individual feedback will be given to students as they work. Each vignette will then be reviewed by the class as a whole. The instructor will provide tips on how to break problems down and conceptualize a plan of attack for developing solutions. All three days will generally follow this format.
    Location:          NC State College of Design, Raleigh, NC.
                      A nearby hotel has a block of rooms at discounted rates.
    Instructor:         Ray Freeman, ASLA, RLA, CPESC
    Cost:           $425.00.  Continental breakfast, refreshments and lunch included each day.
    Questions: Course content:

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