Glenn Kranich posted an update in the group
California Native Plants 15 years ago
Ashley- In urban settings, supplemental irrigation is advantageous for the summer-dry months. Specifically, I’ve used inline subsurface drip. Quality growing medium like compost is important too, along with mycorrhizal fungi applications to help plants thrive through root establishment. Some native plant material I have used are: Juncus patens-Califronia Gray Rush, Deschampsia cespitosa -Tufted Hair Grass, Mimulus cardinalis-Scarlet Monnkey Flower, Iris Douglasiana-PC Iris, Mahonia repens-Creeping Mahonia), Polystichum munitum-Western Sword Fern, as well as a few non-natives. Best of luck in your efforts and I hope some of this helps.