Cheap LA books on Amazon


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  • #3552471

    I have lately noticed that Amazon often has older books for very cheap. I have gotten a few. Any recommendations on LA/Arch/Eng related books for $5 or less available online? Mainly to keep as reference and to build up my library.

    One of the CLARB practice tests I recently took referenced this book. It is $5.

    Trump Dunhill

    I used to purchase books from Amazon then one of my friend Recommended me to purchased books from Reecoupons. From that day till today I always purchased books from this store. They have a huge collection of books at discounted prices. However “A Guide to Site and Environmental Planning” is one of the finest book I have ever read.

    Camila Henry

    The Architecture of the City, Athmospheres, Conversations with Students, The Image of the City, these are some great books which I ever read on Arch topic, I don’t know their prices on Amazon but if you’re ordering them through coupon codify you can get 40% discount and free shipping, recently I got my TOFEL Test discount by using BestMyTest Coupons which I got from coupon codify.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Camila Henry.
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