Client wants to sue over weeds in plant bed?

Landscape Architecture for Landscape Architects Forums PLACES & SPACES Client wants to sue over weeds in plant bed?

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  • #157198

    Seriously???  There is a product called Weed Be Gone! Counter sue for his laziness to go to the store to purchase a bottle and actually use it.  

    Alan Ray, RLA

    I know it’s all wack!

    I haven’t been sued yet,  just threatened……

    typical bully ahole tactic….what suprises most bullies is when they

    get smacked back!  he now knows I’m neither scared or intimidated so

    he’ll probably go look for someone else to bully… that’s how this type



    Jorge Llanos

    A law suit for bad soil? That is un-earthly. Land as it is wild has many types of mineral forms that provide food source for many type of wild plants. Weeds, are wild plants and are found in grasslands of all kinds. To get rid of them you just have to pull them out from the root until they stop growing. You cannot fortell if the grass provided will be safe from weeds or contains the seed for a particular weed. It also depends on the soil type. It might contain crumbs and leftovers of weeds unseen to te naked eye.  Renewed treated topsoil and pre-cultured grass has to be provided.  

    Heather Smith

    We had a guy threaten to sue us and picket our house because he took an auger out and punctured his own irrigation line. I kid you not. Insanity. He seemed to realize he was off his nut after leaving several crazy messages. We had a lawyer draw up a contract for us this year and we are ready for crazy. BRING IT ON! haha.

    Heather Smith

    I think you should ask him if he also wants to sue you for leaving so much dirt in the bed…and that pesky breeze that kicks up.


    Weed be gone by the use of my thumb and forefinger.  

    mark foster

    Perhaps we should all file a class action suit against these clients– maybe “breach of humanity”.  The mental anguish has to be worth something…

    Or, maybe  we could put a spec in the middle, starting with “in the event the client becomes insane….”  🙂

    Jason T. Radice

    Better idea: “Loser pays” or the English Rule. Most countries in the western world use a fee structure that makes the loser pay of the case pay the legal bills and court costs of the victor. (Thank you trial lawyer lobby). This all but eliminates frivolous lawsuits.

    Alan Ray, RLA

    Jason, you are absolutely right!

    If only the bottom dwellers in this country would subscribe to this…

    of course, half of them would not get paid…and that’s the reason they won’t do it.

    Alan Ray, RLA

    I must add that lawyers can be great clients.

    I’ve had many great lawyer clients and am currently working for two

    very good ones…..

    Heather Smith

    That is written into our contract…if we have to sue them for fees they owe us, they pay lawyer fees as well.

    Jason T. Radice

    I know a few good lawyers as well, mostly real estate, that provide a valuable service and one is very design oriented for what he does. He had handled a lot of pioneering stuff with brownfields and liability.


    Then there was the ambulance chaser in my hometown, who had replaced the car stereo in his dated SL500 with a Cobra police radio scanner. And the guy who one of my family members used to use who embezzeled milliions out of old ladies when he handled their wills and “advised” the on investing with him after thier husbands died. I almost went to that dudes office with a baseball bat after trying to get a deed written properly.

    mark foster

    I have found lawyers to be some of the most flexible and least contentious clients–perhaps because they know what a losing proposition it is to go to court (for everyone).     

    They also don’t mind an LA’s hourly rate–probably because it is about 1/3 of theirs!

    Alan Ray, RLA

    Yes, I have found that lawyers understand the hourly rate concept very well, and yeah, they know they’re overpaid….

    Ryan A. Waggoner

    hilarious, great reply….

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