um, yeah… I think Milan is Serbian… maybe we could combine Spanish and Slovic dialects… who knows? Maybe throw a little French or Portuguese in there for good measure. In either case, I think we still need a bit more information in order to help you Milan. Sounds like you need to do more homework in order to understand what you’re dealing with. It sounds like an interesting project.
Actually, maybe one or both of you could help me with a little project and translate something that was on the check-pen at lunch today:
Mama adzalo pussesse
Que la terre te soit legere
I got the second part, “That the earth rest lightly” but the first part has me stumped. Mama (Mother, earth, breast). Adzalo (Is that Turkish for 5 or to fill up?) and Pussesse (Is that possess, cat, girl, face or mouth…?) Please help clarify. Thanks!