We all look at our own skill sets and try to add it all up and place a value on it. When someone else looks at us, they add up what they value and discard the rest.
Sometimes what is an extra value to us is a negative to someone else. Such things that would indicate that you would move on to a firm that would value those extra skills, or a skill set that would indicate a high liklihood that you’ll be a direct competitor in the near future could work against you.
It comes down to what job you are going to be filling. If the job is not equal to your skill set, you can’t expect to be paid for all of it. I would assume that you’d be looking for an intern position in which case you should expect intern pay. The extra experience may give you an advantage in getting that opportunity over others and it should move you up the ladder faster, but I think the realistic answer to the question is whatever the current pay is for interns. … I don’t know what that is, but I would expect it to be about $40k.