Is Land8 withering on the vine?

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  • #3557813

    P.S….June 11, 2019

    Tonight, I counted approx. (60) LAND 8 members who have been active in the past 30 days….ONLY 60 members out of 19,000? Curious as to WHY there seems to be so little participation from so many members?

    Leslie B Wagle

    Here is something maybe a little to the side but I stumbled onto. These are suggested characteristics for architects to have and I think would be the same for LA’s, considering them both as designers in the environment. And besides being traits to look for being going into the field(s), they would apply to having what it takes to stay and grow in the field:

    10 Signs That You Should Become an Architect

    Leslie B Wagle

    Wow, I goofed up – I meant for this to go into the “internship” topic, if a moderator wants to move it….


    June 13, 2019…..I noted on the “ABOUT” section here on LAND 8 that there are a total of 19,000 user accounts. But, today, I counted ONLY (61) LAND 8 members what have been active on the LAND 8 site during the past (30) days.

    IMO….only (61) members out of 19,000 participating here during the past month is really LOW.

    I personally would like to see MANY MORE members express their opinions here on LAND 8….get involved. LAs helping out LAs.

    J. Robert (Bob) Wainner

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