There are a lot of creative and knowledgable people here, some with lots of time on their hands, who would love to help, but you should provide some basic information if you want any real constructive thoughts and ideas.
Information should include:
1. Dimensions of Lot
2. Inventory-whats there now.
3. Objectives-what do you/the owner want to accomplish?
4. Budget-$1000
5. Photos
Not to fixate on money, but bluegrass in my region runs around $.30/sf+delivery ($75-150) wholesale, 1 gal perennials $15-25ea, shrubs $25+ea, top soil @$30/yard, compost @$30/yard, mulch/rock @$50/ton/yd. In Colorado, we need to irrigate turf and plants, but if you’re in the PNW you probably dont need it.
Material deliveries if you dont have a truck or trailer in my area typically run upward of $75-150each.
Knowing what you have to work with will help a lot.
I’m impressed that you found enough corrugated metal (steel or aluminum?) and lumber to build a fence for under $350. What do your plans for the fence look like, I’m curious. I designed a corrugated steel and pressure treated cedar fence a couple years ago. I have some cad drawings of it if you’d like to take a look, though that one was closer to three thousand dollars.
Aside from it being a ‘modern contemporary’ back yard, what are some of your ideas?
Cant wait to see the Photos or finished product..
Good Luck!