Raleigh, NC Oct 1-3 A three day class concentrating on SectionE (Grading & Drainage) of the exam. Registrations is $425 which includes continental breakfast and lunch all three days. At the NC State University School of Design. Register through the NCSU College of Design Website.
Marin County, CA Oct 8-10 A three day class concentrating on Section E
(Grading & Drainage) of the exam. Registrations is $445 which
includes lunch and snacks all three days. At the Marin Headlands, GGNRA.
Marin County, CA Oct 22-24. A three day class concentrating on Section C
(Design) of the exam. Registrations is $445 which
includes lunch and snacks all three days. At the Marin Headlands,
Seattle, WA Oct 29-31. A three day class concentrating on Section C
(Design) of the exam. Registrations is $445 which
includes lunch and snacks all three days. At the Downtown Red Roof Hotel. Register through the WASLA web site.
Marin County, CA A three day class concentrating on Section E
(Grading & Drainage) of the exam. Registrations is $445 which
includes lunch and snacks all three days. At the Marin Headlands,
GGNRA. This is an advanced review.
A descriptive brochure is attached.