New Book: Becoming a Landscape Architect

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  • #173202
    Kelleann Foster

    Greetings- I am excited to announce that my new book Becoming a Landscape Architect – A Guide to Careers in Design will be released by John Wiley & Sons in a couple weeks. This is the 6th book in their “Careers in Design” series.

    Along with showcasing the wide variety inherent in our profession and tips for young professionals embarking on the job search process, the book includes interviews with over 50 noted professionals and several current students. They share their work and philosophy, why they got into landscape architecture, and what they feel the future holds for the profession, among other topics.

    Those lamenting about our profession at the moment will want to read the “Future” chapter and our profession’s relevance to addressing the key issues of the twenty first century, such as climate change, urbanity, social justice, quality of life and so on.

    I look forward to hearing your thoughts!



    Congrats on the publication. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the future of landscape architecture.

    Jessica Wolff


    Can’t wait to read your book! It comes at a great time too…people need to hear from other professionals in order to keep the motivation up with the job search.

    Best of luck,

    Kelleann Foster

    It was Will Rogers who famously said that they’re not making any more land. So as the world’s population continues to expand, how this precious and ultimately limited resource is used will continue to grow in importance. Landscape architecture is the profession best suited to address key issues of restoration, preservation, designing for human health and well-being, and so on. And that is also the view of many of the professionals I interviewed for my book. Several of them said that landscape architects need to get better at educating our clients on best approaches as well as expanding their notion of what all we can do. One of the chapters in the book includes a good discussion about marketing, and offers the perspective of several types of practitioners. Overall, most everyone I interviewed was bullish on the long-term future of our profession!

    Kelleann Foster

    Great to hear from you! And yes, as my reply to Nick indicates, the professionals interviewed feel that our profession’s future is bright. The book might also be a good resource to use to illustrate to clients (and state registration boards, etc.) how diverse our profession is and help to expand the public’s view of our range of capabilities.
    Cheers to you over in the UK!

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