Notable Mountain Designs

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  • #174003
    AR Coffeen

    Hello fellow Land8ers, i am posting this because i need your help.

    I am a MLA student at University of New Mexico and this summer i was awarded a travel fellowship to study Mountain Style Designs and Landscape Architecture throughout Colorado. I will be observing how regionally specific materials have been used to modify the high mountain landscape.

    This i where your help is needed, if you know of ANY notable, award winning, sites located in the mountains of Colorado please let me know.

    Thanks a million,


    Ameya Preserve ( in Wyoming by Design Workshop is supposed to be a very high end new community based around sustainable concepts, etc.

    Design Workshop Aspen has done some other new mountain communities and private residential work here in Colorado. I would check their website.

    BlueGreen of Aspen has done some great residential and planning work here in the mountains as well.

    There are others that I’m blanking on right now..

    AR Coffeen

    Thanks Nick, I haven’t heard about the Ameya Preserve yet, looks interesting.

    I am planning on getting in touch with design workshop in aspen.

    Thanks a ton any information helps!

    Vance W. Hall

    AR ,

    I work for a mountain resort design firm in Denver( Terrasan). We typically have some LEED certification on most projects.
    Please feel free to look at our website for locations. My land8 page also has some pics. I would also check East West Partners website. They are a major developer that have many projects that would fit your needs.

    AR Coffeen

    Thanks Vance, these projects look useful, another one of the things i want to examine on my trip are resorts vs. traditional designs and their relationships.

    Thanks again.

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