Resume Question: What is your title if….

Landscape Architecture for Landscape Architects Forums PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Resume Question: What is your title if….

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    if….you’ve worked within the capacity of a PM for at least a good year now but have never been given the title of PM and don’t get paid like a PM.  What would you put as your title at that company?  Would you just call yourself a designer and list your scope of work (which would basically be everything a PM does) under that and call it a day?

    Rob Halpern

    There are many ways to arrange a resume. Listing by firm/title is one. Another is to list (and expand on) roles/functions/skills. Prepare a resume that does the best job of presenting your skills


    Thanks for the pointers.  How much do these titles count anyways?  My title, if anything, would be landscape designer, but as a designer I have managed projects.  My office doesn’t really give out titles, at least not for me, so if a hiring manager looks at my resume and see landscape designer instead of PM or associate or whatever, would he/she be less impressed even though I have done work that a PM would do?


    You could probably add a description of your duties under the title and point out that you did project management as a part of being a landscape designer. If (should I says “when”?))) you get to the interview you surely will be asked to speak about your role in the firm and you’ll be able to get to the details.

    mark foster

    Job title is what your boss calls you (and pays for)–not what you do or call yourself.  While there are a lot of ways to legitimately “slant” a resume,  I would be very careful with titles.

    Your former employer makes a distinction between the two positions, because landscape designer is paid less than a project manager. If you list your title as PM and it is found out not to be true, it will perceived as a pretty big lie.  

    I suggest you  turn it into a verb:  “managed projects”, “acted as project manager” etc.   You should write a resume as if your old boss and your new boss will be talking with each other before you are hired (because they probably will).




    Ah yes, of course, cause everyone knows everyone…just love updating my resume, reaffirms the fact that I am indeed overworked and underpaid, but who isn’t???  On top of that I don’t even get a cool title, what’s up with that?(My rant for the day).  Thanks for the advice and Happy Holidays everyone!

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