SECTION D study material??

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  • #170804

    Just found out I passed section C on my second try and stoked. 5 of 6 exams down, just section D to go next month.

    I reviewed the study list from CLARB but the books are pretty pricey. I have 2 but like most of my friends, I’ve been laid off and can’t afford to buy the other books to study from.

    Anyone have any tips or online study materials to look up or buy if they are reasonable?
    I live in Raleigh and if someone here would be willing to lend some I could give ya something for collateral.

    Anyone have digital copies of materials?

    These are some things I’ve seen covering section D. (they also have flash cards for other sections)
    Google groups, search LARE

    If anyone needs anything for other sections I do have some digital material I can email.



    ann gilkey

    when you took section a, did it require construction information and if so, what did you use to study that?

    Jason T. Radice

    The PPI books worked for me.


    i’m just starting this testing process myself….any and all material suggestios, pass alongs would be greatly appreciated!!!

    I’ve heard good and bad things about both the flashcards and the ppi materials…..i think it doesn’t help that the materials themselves may be getting outdated a bit, and the fluctuation of testing questions….

    Tanya Olson

    interlibrary loan! Your local library can usually get any of the books from a university library. It only costs a couple of dollars for shipping, but you only get them for a month or so, so you need to plan ahead!

    Vincent Filigenzi
    scroll down menu bar on side and click thumb nails

    great visual source for erosion control methods!!!!

    Great book for site grading


    What sections are you looking for?


    Well i’m just starting out (on the testing…not the industry) so really anything you’re willing to part with….
    Taking A B & D in September…hopefully….

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