What does the future hold for therapeutic landscapes??

Landscape Architecture for Landscape Architects Forums GENERAL DISCUSSION What does the future hold for therapeutic landscapes??

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    Deryn Davidson

    Greetings! I have a few questions that I’m hoping may reach the right audience here:

    In both a broad and narrow sense, what are the big questions in healing/therapeutic landscapes right now?? Where are we? Where are the gaps? Where is the momentum and what does the future look like?

    I am an MLA student about to embark on my thesis and I have had the great fortune of being bitten by the therapeutic landscape bug. I’ve spoken with Annie Kirk which was terrific and she suggested I inquire within the larger community.

    I am hoping to add to the growing body of knowledge and am inspired by the work that is currently being done. There is so much to explore and learn and I am trying to narrow my focus. Any thoughts will be very much appreciated.


    Leslie B Wagle

    In just my quick response, there doesn’t seem to be any hard lines around this concept; or maybe people are just creative in their use of “therapeutic garden” as a term. It seems to encompass anything from just more smells and colors included for the elderly to enjoy, all the way to seriously designed areas for a special target group, with details intended for specialized activities….so it will be interesting to hear some feedback. It does seem to have potential but it would be hard to answer about momentum or gaps.

    mark foster

    I agree that it is a specialty within our profession–and probably a great marketing hook.  

    The largest local market seems to be “nursing homes”–especially the ones which emphasis rehabilitation vs. end of life care.  I have worked on a few of these, and it’s interesting to talk with the physical/occupational therapists…. 

    I believe there is a great future in this.  Even if the owners/managers of these facilities are clueless about the inherent benefits, there is a real rush to differentiate themselves and plenty of money behind the desire.

    One of the best marketing tips I ever got was “follow the baby boomers, and what they will need”.  For the next 10+ years, this will be it.

    Jeannette French

    Healing Gardens in Canada  It’s becoming quite popular here.  Check out the link…

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