What technologies/ or innovative products do your clients express Interests in exploring for their projects?

Landscape Architecture for Landscape Architects Forums GENERAL DISCUSSION What technologies/ or innovative products do your clients express Interests in exploring for their projects?

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  • #151424
    Neil Elenzweig

    As a Recruiting Consultant with a background in Landscape Architecture I am always seeking to keep a pulse on the ever shifting landscape (I believe that is a double entendre) of product, services, and trends within the greater A&D Community. My goal is to identify great companies and products – both for possible client development and as a resource for clients as I often function beyond a typical “headhunter” in my consulting.

    Are there any particular trends that you feel are becoming part of the overall vernacular?

    Does your firm actively promote innovative products and or services, as you see applicable? Or do you simply respond to the clients needs/wants?

    Are there products/technologies you are exploring that have yet to fully be developed in the marketplace?

    I would love to hear (read) your thoughts or ideas, thanks for looking!

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