Design Technology

  • These renders took about 25 minutes, 150 dpi, 2000 pixels in the bigger side, I used the “Final” preset.
    Later on I discovered some other option under the atmosphere editor menu, activating global radiosity gives a new fell to the renders. I´m using Vue 7, I think there´s not radiosity on earlier versions.

  • I’ve just seen them, nice works… Can u give some clue about the render times?

  • Retrying…

  • Fabio Hi,

    I can’t see the renders, is there problem with my connection or attachment, would you please send’em again or give a link instead 😉

  • Hi Rfox,

    I know that Vue Xstream is coming with a plug-in that helps integration with Max (it also gives chance to use Vue’s render engine in Max). But I haven’t had a chance to try it yet.

    So, no I haven’t used any plug-in. I’ve created the plants in Vue and exported them via standard Vue export tools with maps & UVW Coordinates. These tools…[Read more]

  • Ryland Fox posted an update in the group Group logo of Design TechnologyDesign Technology 14 years, 12 months ago

    I like the plant library in vue and the ability to populate large areas, but it would be hard to get into a firm, so expensive and importing other geometries isn’t the best. I just like messing with it.

    Are the 3d and 4th using the vue/3d max plug in? I haven’t really gone into it that far yet but it seems good.

  • Ryland Fox posted an update in the group Group logo of Design TechnologyDesign Technology 15 years, 2 months ago

    Is anybody using VUE? It is pretty good though most materials would have to be custom made. Good interface with Max and is import/export.

  • Ryland Fox posted an update in the group Group logo of Design TechnologyDesign Technology 15 years, 3 months ago

    I just got Revit and am starting to play around with it. Has anybody started to use it? I might have to take a training course though. We will see.

    Also started playing with Maya’s MEL scripting. I got a book called “MEL Scripting for Animators” which is really good so far but slow to get through.

  • Ryland Fox posted an update in the group Group logo of Design TechnologyDesign Technology 15 years, 8 months ago

    So I spent about a week trying to insert a design into Blender’s gaming engine. The outcome worked ok, but wasn’t very pretty. The process went like this:

    1. Wrote script to randomly generate terrain in Maya.
    2. Made a post and cloned it, then used the vortex dynamic to blow them around the terrain.
    3. Created a ncloth from a nurbs plane and…[Read more]

  • Ryland Fox posted an update in the group Group logo of Design TechnologyDesign Technology 15 years, 9 months ago

    Well, I have been away for awhile.
    I have been looking at the use of Maya Dynamics to force design.

    It is kind of fun but I don’t know if it will go anywhere. Has anyone used
    any of the dynamic functions in Maya (Airfield, Gravity, Newtonian field etc)?

  • Ryland Fox posted an update in the group Group logo of Design TechnologyDesign Technology 15 years, 10 months ago

    I thought I would post a few Grasshopper files that I made to help out in the site engineering department. They basically interpolate contours a couple of different ways.

    The first one works on contour lines and the second on elevation points. I made a third for roads but I am not sure about it…[Read more]

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