Aaron Morley

  • How to draw Bubble Diagram and Marker Lettering: 
    1. Use circle template, apply one circle with Sharpie and another one with Thin     Pen (don’t forget Professional Gap within circle), two circles offset to each     other with small gap in between. 2. Use different shades of green and blue markers and apply stripes with Over     The Edge just a b…[Read more]

  • Mike Lin posted an update in the group Group logo of BeLoose Graphic WorkshopBeLoose Graphic Workshop 13 years ago

    Dear Land8Lounge Member,
    I just come across an outstanding watercolor artist Jack Tia Kee Woon, his paintings are incredibly phenomenon.  Each painting is so alive, colorfully glow with all six colors, and loosely expressed in style of its own.  I upload 4 of his painting under photos.  There are over 60 of his masterpieces on my web site at [Read more]

  • Mike Lin posted an update in the group Group logo of BeLoose Graphic WorkshopBeLoose Graphic Workshop 13 years ago

    To draw well, you simply need to do the following three steps: 
    1. Learn best graphic tricks available. So don’t waste time studying by yourself. 2. Learn to copy other people’s work. Buy graphic books and copy, copy, and copy. 3. Work hard, never stop drawing. Create opportunity to draw and draw continuously.
    Believe me, if you follow the above…[Read more]

  • Thanks Noelia! Feel free to ask questions and contribute.

  • Mike Lin posted an update in the group Group logo of BeLoose Graphic WorkshopBeLoose Graphic Workshop 13 years ago

    Improvement of Before / After drawings in just one week during the BeLoose Graphic Workshop
    For the past 35 years, I have taught at universities and run the BeLoose Graphic Workshop on “how to draw quickly and convincingly with hand”.   I have found the following reasons that most landscape designers are afraid of using hand graphics on t…[Read more]

  • Mike Lin posted an update in the group Group logo of BeLoose Graphic WorkshopBeLoose Graphic Workshop 13 years ago

    Kirk, welcome and I will continue to add more tips of graphics.  Please ask your friends to join the group and also sign up at http://www.beloose.com for more.

  • Tanya, thanks for the advice. My first option would be to get professional experience in restoration design before I go back to school and I’m very much looking into that but also looking to keep my options open. Also, thanks for the advice about the portfolio, that’s something that I’m aware of but it slipped my mind at the time. Changing now, thanks!

  • Hey Charles – rather than spending more $$$ you might try an internship with someplace like Barr Engineering in Minneapolis – they have a lengthy restroration portfolio. If you want hands-on experience you might call them to ask who does the installation of their projects. Ann Riley’s Waterways Restoration Institute in Berkley, CA might be a g…[Read more]

  • noelia e martinez posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 13 years, 1 month ago

    great idea this group! it is exactly what i was looking for! 🙂

  • Thanks for the invite Mike! I’m excited about this group.

  • Create your own book of Illustrations on computer
    Do you realize that there are over 2500 sketches, renderings, illustrations, design photos and nice pictures on our BeLoose web site under “Photos”, many beautiful drawings are done by very talented illustrators from around the world.
    You are encouraged to spend a few hours and go to the www,beloose…[Read more]

    Render Landscape Plan
    How you can render a landscape plan with the following easy steps:

    • Outline your plan with pen (LePen used). Use tips: straight edge, circle template, overlap corner, professional dot, gap.
    • Outline two trees with heavier Sharpie pen next to thinner pen as they are closer to your eyes.
    • For more details, click here.
  • Six approaches to layout a successful space
    After we have completed the bubble diagram, site analysis and preliminary design, often we are stuck in determine how to lay out appropriate lines to a successful space.  By laying your design on one of the six grids and follows each approach’s rule, a satisfying result can easily be obtained.  6 e…[Read more]

  • Thanks for the invite, Mike.  This is great!

  • Mark Sanford posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 13 years, 1 month ago

    Mr. Lin,
    when will your next 7 day workshop be in the United states?

  • Quick thumbnail sketch #1
    It is only 3″x4″ in size and colored with markers and colored pencil using all six colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple). Outlined with Prismacolor black pencil.  Took only 5 minutes, it is a great way to communicate your great ideas quickly with your clients.  Remember, the best designers who don’t need t…[Read more]

  • check out http://www.greenroofplans.com
    they are plan books for DIY small scale green roofs with come with complete materials list, suggested suppliers, green roof care sheet + full set of architect stamped drawings.  good luck!

  • HUSSEIN KIWAN posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 13 years, 2 months ago

    Dear All

    I am working In Dubai,,,on my own projects ,,,,,and I am looking for ,,,landscaping hand sketchers ,,,and landscape architect ….please send what do u have to the following e mail kiwanlandscape@gmail.com

  • Green roof in the desert would be great…added insulation, sound attenuation – irrigate with graywater!  Are there precedent projects in the area?

  • JIm Leggitt posted an update in the group Group logo of Drawing ShortcutsDrawing Shortcuts 13 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks Tim and Cynthia. Next webinar will really get into strategic thinking about perspectives and drawing composition – my favorites! I’ll cook up some more video clips and hopefully control the camera focus a bit more than in last night’s program.

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