Adam Regn Arvidson

  • Adam Regn Arvidson replied to the topic Lawn in the forum PLANTS & HORTICULTURE 16 years ago

    A little while ago, I wrote a piece for Garden Design on lawn alternatives. There are some pointers there for possible substitutes, but most pertinent to this discussion is the question of design.

    I hate lawn most when it appears in tiny little remnants that are impossible to mow but still require irrigation and fertilizer. I think a great deal…[Read more]

  • I just wrote a piece for Landscape Architecture Magazine about a park/aquatic center in Carmel, Indiana. The pool area is the lushest I have ever seen. It was designed by Gregg Calpino in JJR’s Chicago office. I got some plant lists from him, but the magazine didn’t publish it, so it’s not public record. Maybe call the Carmel, IN, Parks department…

  • Many thanks to all who offered some insight on social networking as part of this discussion. I am intrigued by many of your comments, though (as is often the case in the publishing world) there was far far too much good info for the length of my article. I don’t know when it will publish, but check the Riprap section 2 to 3 months out. Thanks!

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