You have to be agressive in obtaining employment. Dont sit around just posting your resume on the net and think that you will be noticed. You must go out and intro yourself to owners of firms. Find out who they are, and make a surprise visit to their company. Let them know you are hungry for work. You will be surprised what comes out of this. Make as many visits as you can personally and let everyone stay home and post their resumes on the net and complain about the economy. I guarantee you that you will find a job. Owners of companys like to see …. go getters….. they will make a position in their firm if they have to if they are impressed by your willingness to work. In the history of my life, I have never posted a resume. I would go after the company i wanted to work for by knowing the key players in the company then show up asking to talk to them personally ( un announced ) and soon after, I would be working. Theses are companys that were not even hiring. Get my point ! Once your in you can show your creativity and the rest will be history.