Thanks to all so far who have responded. A little more background on the issue:
For the last 18-20 years I have been designing for my own small company. Add 5 years of occasional plans at a local Garden Center before that.
I feel my work is very good quality and comments from some others in the trade who have looked at them feel I have an unusual style, which pleases me.They have liked my concepts and plant selections as well as the solutions I create for various site problems.
And, I enjoy the creative outlet it provides.
None of you have actually answered my question though. 🙂
Although I still have my business which I downsized, I am also working for a local Garden Center managing the nursery. I am actively expanding its product lines and services. In addition I am doing plans for customers. This is all keeping me very busy. As I see this growing, I also see the need to streamline the design process if possible.
I still want emphasis on quality concepts and good imagery. But as the work load increases I need a faster way to design. I like drawing by hand, but I wear a lot of hats.
Thus my question.
Whats the best program, and what system does it need?
What should I be looking at?
It is fun to read the responses of to draw or not to draw. LOL